V9 new Velashape rollslim


A physio-active massage system for facial and body treatments inspired by the movements of the professional’s hands, capable of accessing the deepest tissues such as muscles and adipose tissue, where the most rebellious cellulite is found. A system that incorporates a powerful vibration and provides you with all the necessary benefits to obtain the best results, both in body and facial treatments.

The innovative facial equipment provides unique results in rejuvenation, drastic reduction of wrinkles (Botox effect), highly effective sagging and firming of the skin and reduction of spots and unsightly “bags”…

It is the only equipment for body treatments capable of reducing an average of 2 sizes without the need to lose weight, at the same time that it reaffirms, reshapes, eliminates retained fluids and eliminates contractures, enhancing the female figure, toning the muscles and the entire vascular system. All in the same treatment incorporates a series of heads that allow us to perform a complete facial treatment on the neckline, neck and face.

Peeling by microdermabrasion.

Physio-active treatment BOTOX EFFECT.

Cryo-regeneration phase

Eye contour treatment.


Bellaction compresses and glides on the surface, without causing any traction on the skin and accessing even the most encysted cellulite, treating flaccidity at the same time as Eliminates liquids, fats, cellular waste and multiplies the supply of nutrients and oxygen to all treated tissues.